Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Feeling Connected Again

As I bring awareness to my fears about pregnancy and motherhood I am feeling lighter every day. I am truly ready to focus on preparing my mind body and soul for a baby, however he/she may come. In my meditation each morning I have been connecting with my spirit baby again. I was afraid to invite her in for a couple of weeks. The cloud of fear has interfered with my ability to hear and feel her presence.

Interestingly I discovered that I have another spirit baby around me. He is very shy and quiet. He doesn't have much to say at this time but I sense his gratitude when I invite him into my heart. A colleague recently spoke about the heart being the first womb and the uterus being the second. That really made sense to me because I always encourage my participants to invite their baby to be into their heart so they can experience a deep heart connection to their baby to be. I will continue to connect with both my spirit babies and see where I am guided. I have no expectations and choose to surround myself with lots of trust and faith.

After all, life is the adventure we signed up for. We can resist it and suffer, or we can go with the flow and ride the wave. Every challenge, obstacle or trigger in your life is an opportunity to heal a deeper part of yourself. It all starts within you. You have the ability to transform your experience of your fertility journey. You have the wisdom and power within to change how you look at the challenges that show up on your path. You can see this journey differently and when you do, you will find peace.

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