Thursday, March 5, 2009

Ghana here I come

I had a conversation with my husband on the weekend and he agreed that when our financial picture looks differently, I could begin the adoption process for Ghana. I know we have a ways to go but at least he is now on board with the idea of international adoption. I have found this new sense of trust that when the time is right to begin the process, the money will be there. As long as I continue to follow my heart and do what I am passionate about doing, the money will come. I lived most of my life believing that when it came to money "there was never enough money, you can always do more". This left me making poor financial choices, self sabotaging investments and living cheque to cheque. I was a workaholic much like my mother. My mother raised 3 children on her own with no financial support so you can imagine that we definitely struggled. She worked hard and often had 2 jobs at one time. I got my first job in grade nine feeling like I needed to try and support myself as much as possible to take the burden off of her. Money has never really felt like a friend, more like an evil entity. The last couple of years I have been actively working on shifting my beliefs about money. It is a deep seeded belief so it has taken some time to shift but it is definitely coming. I feel lighter and I can genuinely surround myself with the energy of abundance. Not only an abundance of money, but an abundance of love, peace and happiness as well.

I look forward to bringing my daughter home from Ghana. She is at home in my heart and I feel like I am in the gestational period. I am not sure if it will be only 9 months but it is a beginning. If I follow my inner guidance I trust and know it will happen when it is meant to. Now that I know it is possible, as a Mother, I will stop at nothing to make it happen.

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