Monday, January 26, 2009

My Fertility Story

I have been "waiting" for my video of my fertility story to be ready to post on my website and it seems that there are circumstances beyond my control delaying it. It is interesting how I am reacting at this time. A few years ago, even 6 months ago, I would be calling, emailing and do whatever I could to make it happen on my time line. In this moment I am surprisingly calm and trusting it will happen when it is meant to. I realize that I don't have the privilege to see the bigger picture. In the past I would force things that weren't flowing. I have learned many lessons in hindsight and I choose to remain in a place of trust this time around. It is a more peaceful path. Of course I question and wonder every once in a while but I check in with my guidance to see if there is any action required by me at this time. If there is a message or action I will respond. If not I will trust my guidance even when it doesn't make sense in my mind. I know the video will be coming at some point in the future, at this time I am being guided to share my written story.

Click here to read My Fertility Story

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