Tuesday, February 10, 2009

To control or not control

I came across this in my writing and thought I would share it with you. I spent most of my life fighting to be in control because deep down I felt out of control. I recently discovered a few more limiting subconscious beliefs about motherhood. They were very easy to release and let go of because I am no longer attached to pain and suffering and I know I have a choice how I can process things. I can take a loving path or a path full of fear. I choose love.

I hope this inspires you:

When something happens in life that seems unfair or unjust we struggle to find a reason or make sense of it. It can be frustrating or invoke feelings of anger. You may feel sad or fearful. Most of us go through life trying to control everything and everyone around us. The more we try to control that which is uncontrollable the more out of control life becomes. Life outside you is not yours to control. It is yours to experience. It is yours to appreciate. It is yours to learn and grow from. The control is in your reaction to life outside yourself. The control is in knowing you can choose to react positively or negatively. Neither is right or wrong, but the power, is in knowing you have a choice.

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