Wednesday, December 30, 2009

It is time!

The holidays have been great although I found myself having brief moments of sadness. My dearest friend gave birth to a baby boy on Christmas Day. While I was genuinely excited for her, I realized deep down that my desire to become pregnant is still strong.

Over the last 5 years I have found a truly beautiful place of acceptance and peace on my fertility journey but acceptance does not mean I am giving up on my dream. This last year has been about sharing my fertility experience with others so that women and couples all over the world can have access to the support Yoga for Fertility classes can offer them. I enjoyed traveling across Canada and teaching instructors so that they can begin classes in their area. I feel as if I have taken a break in a way from conceiving and channeled my creative energy into building the foundation in my business so that I can take the time to focus on my desire.

I have a new vision for 2010! I will continue to focus on my own health and preparing to have a baby. I will channel my fertile creative energy toward my own Spirit Babies and invite them to come to me in whatever way they need to. They are close! I had a dream last night that I was pregnant. In my meditation this morning I was able to connect to the little boy that has been around me. He is quiet but I get a sense that he is ready to come. We are both ready for him to come. I will stay open and watch for signs to lead me on the path I am meant to take. I am excited! My fears and doubts have dissolved and all that is left is an unwaivering FAITH and KNOWING!

Affirmation today: "I have a deep FAITH and KNOWING I am ready! I welcome you in to my life with my heart wide open!"

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