Monday, December 14, 2009

Why Forgiveness?

Forgiveness is the act of letting go. It has nothing to do with anyone else, in fact, many times you won't even involve the other person in the process of forgiveness. It has nothing to do with what they did and whether it was right or wrong, it is more about returning to a place of empowerment. When you hold anger or resentment toward someone for something they did, you are essentially giving them power over you. Holding anger is doing more harm to you, not them! Unforgiveness is a toxin in your mind and body! It will eventually cause you more pain.

Forgiveness is not only about forgiving another it is also about forgiving self. Forgiving others will help you return to a place of peace and increase your personal power, while self forgiveness is your pathway to inner peace, freedom and happiness.

I have included a poem I wrote about self forgiveness to show you an example of my process of forgiveness and how it lead me back to a sense of inner peace.

Best Friends Within
By: Sue Dumais

I release the past that holds me imprisoned.
I respect my past from which I have risen.

I release self-judgments that infected my mind.
I respect the thoughts that are gentle and kind.

I release my self critic that made me feel bad.
I respect my inner child who stills feel quite sad.

I will hold my inner child tightly in my arms.
I will comfort her and keep her from harm.

I will tell her she’s beautiful just as she is.
I will tell her she’s good no matter what she did.

I will tell her she is talented and deserves great success.
I will encourage her to reach for the stars, and no less.

I will tell her I’m sorry for being so mean.
I will tell her she’s strong after all she has seen.

I will tell her I love her with all of my heart.
I release her to live and make a new start.

She will tell me she loves me and always had.
She was lost but not gone, that why she was sad.

She will tell me she forgives me for all that I’ve done.
Together again, best friends who are one!

I invite you to think about someone or something you need to forgive. Then sit down and do one of the following forgiveness exercises. Remember forgiveness may be about someone else or SELF!

~write a poem about forgiveness
~write a letter of forgiveness (do not send it, instead you might destroy or burn it as a symbol of letting go)
~draw a picture about forgiveness and imagine the freedom it will give you
~journal about forgiveness
~meditate on forgiveness and imagine surrounding others and self with beautiful flowers or positive energy

However you get there, forgiveness is really a choice! Choose freedom! Choose Peace! Choose to live and let go!

Remember, I am here if you need support! Hugs, Sue

1 comment:

Make Ahead Meals said...

Thanks Sue - this is such a wonderful post and timely in my life. I appreciate your words. Thank you!