Thursday, June 11, 2009

Supporting each other

Most of my clients have trouble speaking about their fertility challenges sometimes even to their partners. When they do talk about it they often receive comments that don't feel supportive, especially if the individual they are speaking to has never had fertility challenges themselves.

Communicating about something that affects you so deeply can be tricky especially when you are not clear how you are feeling at the time. Many women need to process things out loud with a friend or partner. Sometimes it is helpful to talk about it and just the act of saying it out loud can be healing.

Fertility Support Groups are a safe space where couples can explore their challenges along their fertility journey without fear of judgment. They can share feelings of worry, fear, jealousy and anger with the group and as others acknowledge the same feelings they realize they are not alone. Coming together to speak or just listen in a group of others that are going through similar circumstances is healing in itself.

I would encourage you to reach out by attending a support group for fertility. I have seen the relief and transformation that can occur for couples after just 1 hour of discussion. Some support groups are for women only, mine is open to anyone who would like to attend. Some women come on their own while others bring their partner.

If you would like more information on finding a Fertility Support Group in your area visit

I would like to add a Fertility Support Group through Skype online or by phone. If you are interested in participating please let me know. If there is enough interest I will begin one as soon as possible.


Sue Dumais said...
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Sue Dumais said...

Please join me on Wed July 8th at 6pm (PST) for a FREE Fertility Tele-Support Group. Leave a comment or contact me directly to sign up.