Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Articles with Inspiration

It is amazing how one word, one article, one book can change your whole perspective. I began reading Dr. Wayne Dyer's book "Inspiration" again. I saw his presentation in December and had the opportunity to thank him personally for his book that inspired me to start teaching Yoga for Fertility classes 4 years ago. He reminded me that when I am in touch with my inner guidance or "in spirit" anything is possible. That was the seed that began the growth of Family Passages and my focus on fertility. I now have my own studio teaching women and couples how to be fertile in all areas of their lives. I have created an international Yoga for Fertility Instructor Training Program and Fitness Fertility Instructor Course to help spread the support to women and couples all over the world. I have written my "Yoga for Fertility Handbook" as well as several online self help programs. I will be telling my personal story to help inspire others and increase awareness about fertility. So much has come to life. All from reading one chapter in a book. You never know what will inspire you but if you are open and curious you will begin to find inspiration all around you in every interaction you have. There are teachers all around us and we can learn from anyone at anytime. One word, one gesture can change your life forever.

I received an email from a client. She was desperately struggling to find meaning and answers to her fertility journey. She came across the following 2 articles and everything changed for her. I wanted to share them with you and perhaps maybe the words will inspire you and spark a change in your perspective.

The first one is by Eckert Tolle called "True Surrender"

This one is called "Release Attachment" by Gwen Randall-Young

Happy New Year! Much love and abundance to you! Hugs, Sue

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