Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Peaceful confusion

I have searched for more information about adoption in Africa from Canada and it turns out there is almost a "hold on visas" from the African government specifically in Ghana and Liberia. I am not questioning why or anything, just simply curious. I am not sure what path I will take or whether I will even walk down the road to adoption. I feel like I am at another fork in the road. Which path do I choose? I don't need to decide today but I do feel there is a deeper part of me that is letting go of the outcome. Another level of healing.

Every morning after I finish my yoga and meditation I go to my computer and visit www.cherlyrichardson.com and choose an online grace card for guidance. For those of you who take classes with me they are similar to the self care cards we choose after each class. This morning I asked for guidance on my vision of family and this is the card I received.

"When things don't go our way, something more important to the growth of our soul is in the works."

I felt at peace when I read those words. I had a deep sense that everything is ok. The Mother within me has been patient but it has been challenging to deal with the idea that I have a child somewhere in the world that I am meant to adopt. Although there was a deep calling to Africa, I need to keep an open mind and heart. If I am attached to the path I will take, then it will limit my ability to follow my guidance. To listen deeply to that loving voice (love) so that I can find peace on my path no matter where my path takes me. Another level of surrender and acceptance. "I am where I am and it's ok" "I don't know if I will take the path of adoption and it's ok".

In my Fertility Yoga Instructor Training course in Kelowna one of the participants mentioned that I had created such an incredible family. A family of women, couples, instructors, colleagues, friends, spirit babies, soul sisters...a family that extends so much further than our limited idea of family. A family that extends beyond this physical world. As I embrace the family I have created it warms my heart and I am deeply grateful!

I don't know where my path will take me, and it's ok. I am at peace and I feel whole and complete. Nothing outside of myself will create this feeling I found. It is a place I have found within ME and I am the only one that can hold ME in that space.

Affirmation today: "I choose PEACE because I AM PEACE!"


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Sue;
I appreciate your insights about the adoption process. I have been finding myself increasingly drawn to the idea of adopting as well and beginning to explore this option with my partner. I am most drawn to the Philippines and I too have found that there are criteria that are barriers to our pursuing this option. I feel that I am not willing to go on a path that is not true to who I am and my beliefs in order to try to meet the eligibility criteria. Similar to you, I have chosen to remain in a place of love and curiosity about where this all may lead me, rather than becoming upset, fearful or upset in feeling that this is unfair. I hold the vision that I will be blessed with children (biologically and/or through adoption). I know, as your quote says, that my soul's growth has led the way towards the unexpected places I have journeyed to up to this point.
Many thanks for sharing your ongoing journey. Namaste, Tracy