Friday, October 9, 2009

Energy & Spirit of Fertility

I wanted to speak about an upcoming workshop with babyspirit coach Elisabeth Manning. The Energy & Spirit of Fertility will change the way you look at your fertility journey. It is inspiring and powerfully transforming. There is so much more to our lives than we realize. There are levels of awareness we haven't even began to touch.

When I was first introduced to the idea of Spirit Babies I was fascinated. I loved the idea that babies choose their parents before they arrive in their physical bodies. I felt empowered when I thought that I chose my parents. It was my choice. I was never a victim of circumstance. I choose those circumstances because it was for my highest good.

Understanding your relationship to your baby to be and finding ways to connect with them can help you shift from thoughts of "lack" or "worry" to a renewed sense of HOPE and FAITH. Learning to identifying energetic blocks can help you come into full alignment with your desire of becoming a Mother or Father. Remember the Law of Attraction, what you focus on you will attract (whether you want to or not). If you focus on lack, your energy will vibrate at a level of lack and you will attract more lack. If you focus on your desire, you can raise your energy so that it is in line with your desire and what you desire will come. It sounds simple but it works! It is more than just changing your thoughts, you need to change how you feel about your thoughts. Raising your energy to align with your thoughts and opening your heart to receive will allow all that you desire and more into your life.

Join us on Sat Oct 24th from 10-5pm and experience an incredible workshop that will change your experience of fertility! Come with an open mind and curious heart! I look forward to seeing you all there!

You can find out more information and register at

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