Sunday, October 4, 2009

I am confused

It has been at least 5 months since I went online to look up the adoption for Ghana. I have been focusing my energy on changing our financial situation so we can begin the adoption process. Well my heart sunk when I went to Imagine Adoption's website to find out they declared bankruptcy.

I am confused! I am sad! My EGO (FEAR) mind could have a hay day with this information. I have a choice to do something to break the cycle of EGO FEAR based thoughts. I will write a letter to the Universe for guidance.

Dear Universe,
I don't understand! Please help me find peace because my heart is breaking. I feel there is a child calling me from Ghana, Africa and some days it is difficult to be patient. Please help me find peace! Please help me look at this situation in a different light so I can return to peace.
Thank you, Sue

Dear Sue,
Nothing is ever as it seems. When one door closes, many more open! Follow your guidance and listen for that loving voice within. It will lead you on your path and we will surround you with love and support along the way.
Love, The Universe

Dear Universe,
Thank you for your guidance. I feel better. I will continue to choose LOVE! I know in my heart everything is ok so I choose to stay with that feeling. Goodnight!

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