Friday, July 15, 2011

Time to Let Go

I have been repeating the following words in my mind “sometimes you need to let go of what’s in your hand in order to reach for something new”.  In the past, even trying on the idea of letting go was difficult for me. I was very attached to my accomplishments, objects, things, people etc. I was clinging on to those things because I felt very insecure within my Self. I would end up holding onto things and sticking with jobs/careers longer than I should have. This often made it even more messy and difficult to let go in the end. 

I am reading a book called The Thank You Economy and one of the chapters is called “Resistance won’t kill you right away”. When I hold onto something longer than I am guided to, I can feel the resistance in my physical body. I am no longer able to ignore the messages my body is sending me because resistance becomes loud and painful very quickly. I believe it is my soul’s way to telling me to deal with the resistance right away. The physical pain forces me to look at it, heal and move on. My tolerance for pain is so much lower than it used to be. It also makes a difference that I am more body aware, living in the present moment and I no longer make unhealthy choices to numb the pain and discomfort.  I choose to feel it, explore it and look at it as an opportunity to heal.

As most of you know I am finally answering the calling I have in my heart to “speak to the world” on a global level. Everything is falling into place. I am being mentored by one of the best motivational speakers in the world, Les Brown. I have a speaker marketing coach, Mary McKay, who is helping me with my message, speaker branding and new website. I have the support of friends and family and I have the space opening up in my schedule to allow me to devote time and energy toward my vision.

There have been so many changes in my life since January. We sold our house in the city and moved to a little hobby farm. We are renovating our new home, started the adoption process to adopt a child from Africa, I have a new pet goat named Emma (which I wanted my entire life), I am spending more time at home and creating financial freedom. The words that keep coming to my mind are that “I am renovating my life”. That means letting go of the old and making room for the new. I have let go of a lot and at the same time I am gaining so much more.

It is time to let go of one more thing….my studio. I have spent the last 6 years in this sacred healing space and I have helped countless women and couples conceive their dream of having a child. While I still feel the fertility focus is near and dear to my heart, I need to let go of the physical space of the studio. It is weighing on me and I no longer wish to carry it. I want to let go before the resistance shows up in my physical body more than it already has. I appreciate all the healing, tears, laughter and gifts that have come into my life. Having the studio and working with many of you has touched my heart so deeply. I have healed many layers in my mind, body and spirit as well and for all of this I am grateful.  

So what does this mean for you? The studio will close at the end of July and I will take the month of August to get clear guidance about what I will offer and where. In the meantime, Family Passages will become a virtual mind body studio. Stay tuned for more details on my livestreaming yoga classes, meditations and phone support groups. I am available for phone coaching and distance healing sessions until my home studio is finished. You can also check out my Redefining Fertility Radio Show, online courses, Fertility Yoga & Meditation Kit and audio class downloads for continued support. My online instructor training courses will still be available and I will continue to train others with my Fertility Yoga Teacher Training Course and Fitness Fertility Specialist Certification

When I listen to the voice of my soul and let my heart lead me, sometimes it doesn’t make sense to others. There are times it doesn’t make sense to me and it is in those times I rely on FAITH. It is not a logical decision. I have learned to trust my intuition today more than ever. I know in my heart and soul that it is time to let go. I am not sure where my path will lead me and I am ok with not knowing. I see it more as an adventure with my heart as my guide. I know everything is playing out as it is meant to be. This is not goodbye; instead it is a new beginning. It is a new chapter for FamilyPassages, for me and for you if you are open.

“As I let go and let be, I open my mind to new possibilities. As I invite my heart to lead, doors open and my path is revealed.” Sue Dumais

Come join us on
Tuesday July 26th from 7:30 - 9:00pm
for a closing celebration at the studio.
EnJOY some refreshments, meditation and
laughter with Sue Dumais

Please RSVP by email so we can plan accordingly


Anonymous said...

All the best in this new beginning, Sue! I celebrate you for listening to and honoring your heart. It will guide you well. All my love and support from Argentina! =) XXXOOO Su

Sue Dumais said...

thank you so much! I appreciate your support and encouragement! xo